Thursday, October 31, 2019

Management seminar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management seminar - Essay Example In 2004, there was a global spread of SNS after the invention of the Facebook fundamentally used as exclusive Harvard School social networking site. Facebook developed very fast becoming popular among the college students who would use it for inter-college social networking platform among students and lecturers. Facebook became a very reliable tool for both communication and marketing purposes with many members including professionals and the teenagers. It provides a platform for various marketing and recruitment activities and the largest storage of individual photos online (Peacock, 2011). LinkedIn created a social networking site for professionals to share their educational and work expertise and job postings. The career experts suggest that SNSs are a wonderful way to perform recruitment dialogs since the applicants extensively use them. Most recruiting organizations save many funds by using Social networking sites in hiring process as since it is affordable and pocket-friendly. There are some shortcomings associated with the SNSs. The organization, for instance, could get inaccurate information about the individuals. There are online propaganda and malice stirred by wrong information about colleagues when the business and personal relationships break. The incorrect information posted online creates permanent scar on the applicant forever causing individual Web phobia that may run for long time (Solove, 2008). The online application may also lead to privacy and legal issues emanating from posting irrelevant recruitment information online. SNSs connect the whole world through most popular three being Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn offering the same functions while used in different countries by different customers. Facebook is the largest SNS with about 500 million members globally, which started becoming popular in America and escalated internationally becoming the most sought after. Orkut became prominent in Brazil and India,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Instructional design Essay Example for Free

Instructional design Essay 1 â€Å"Well begun is half done†. So goes a saying. Action plans are like roadmaps for a meaningful journey toward a specific destination. Hence they are essential in any developmental work, including education and training. ADDIE is one of the most widely used action plan models used by instructional designers. It is an acronym for five terms â€Å"Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation† that constitute the five phases of the process. Analysis, the first phase, is a process of studying something by taking into account the characteristics of individual parts and their inter-relationship. The instructional designer curriculum content developers and teachers evaluate the cognitive â€Å"entry† behavior (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that his students possess before they are introduced to the prospective module, for instance a set of virtual laboratory experiments for use in a Grade 12 physics classroom. The team seeks answers to questions like â€Å"Are all students familiar with the theoretical concepts? †, â€Å"How much do they differ individually? † etc. It also considers the cognitive behavior that is expected from the learners at the end of the module (â€Å"What knowledge, skills and attitudes are they expected to have acquired after being taught in the virtual laboratory module? †) and the logistic aspects (â€Å"How best should the module be delivered? † â€Å"What is the time factor involved? †). The team considers all the pedagogic and logistic aspects of the issue in order to get a complete picture of any discrepancies between the â€Å"current† and â€Å"desired† levels of resources and processes used in the system. In effect, this is the phase in which measurable instructional aims and objectives are stated. In the design phase, the instructional designer and the design team develop a sequence of strategies that are most appropriate to realize the stated aims and objectives. Here the ID team creates comprehensive storyboards (Number and sequence of animations and interactivities, GUI, Voice over etc), uses wide range of strategies such as brainstorming, concept mapping, group discussions to collect information and implement Critical Path Networking monitor time and resources management. This phase answers â€Å"Why? †, â€Å"What? † and â€Å"How†? of the whole process. In the development phase, the ID works with the development team (consisting of content developers, animators and action script writers) to develop the virtual laboratory experiments as a pilot product, ready to be tested. This phase is usually more complex than the previous ones, as there is a higher probability of bottlenecks, such as lack of proper communication, unrealistic expectations, lack of convergence and inappropriate multimedia system configurations. This phase is mainly concerned with authoring and production and hence the most crucial. In the implementation phase, in practice the last phase of the model, the instructional designer and the team decide on the logistical aspects of implementation and the strategies for training the teachers, multimedia coordinators and learners. The team ensures that the process is smooth. The phase also includes delivery of the prototype. The most important phase in the model is â€Å"Evaluation† and it is carried out from beginning to end of the ADDIE process. Both types of evaluation, viz. formative and summative, are used in the process. The former is used to trouble shoot problems and apply alternative strategies when needed. The latter is used to assess the learner outcomes by providing evaluation tools such as criterion-based tests to the end users (learners). The feedback from them helps in bringing about modifications in the product, until all the stated aims and objectives are met. Thus ADDIE model serves as a wonderful canvas on which the concerned professionals can work on so that the instructional aims and objectives are realized in a smooth, efficient and effective manner. Thus, â€Å"Well begun, promptly followed by ADDIE, is almost perfectly done†. References Carliner Saul (2002) , DESIGNING E-Learning, American Society for Training and Development. http://alpha. nsula. edu/~gillan/08id. htm http://www. itrc. wvu. edu/coursedev/preproduction/addie. html.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

North American Free Trade Agreement Economics Essay

North American Free Trade Agreement Economics Essay The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States of American that came into effect January 1st, 1994. This agreement established the worlds largest free trade region involving over 400 million people and 11 trillion dollars in annual production.  [1]  It established a new trading relationship based on more secure and more open access to each others markets. It was supposed to bring benefits to several sectors of the Canadian economy. Overall, consumers in all three countries were supposed to reap the benefits of the more efficient distribution of resources and by paying less for goods and services. NAFTA advocates that capital owners win, workers win, consumers win therefore everyone is better off living under NAFTA. Many government officials, businesses, and citizens however, have debated whether NAFTA has been beneficial to Canada. Proponents of NAFTA claim that because the agreement will increase trade throughout N orth America and moderate product prices, it will lead to creating new jobs in all three countries. NAFTA, while it has brought some disadvantages for Canada, as a whole it has had a positive effect. The positive effects of job creation and higher wages has been outweighed by the negative effects on the manufacturing industry specifically, the auto sector. In addition, Canada has succeeded in maintaining high labour standards and laws compare to its NAFTA partners due to Canadian legislative environment that alleviate against downward harmonization. This paper will examine three aspects of NAFTA and its effects on Canada. First, it will look at labour and discuss the effects of NAFTA on employment and wages. Then it will examine the manufacturing industry, in particular Canadas automotive industry. Finally, the paper will look at why Canada has been able to maintain high labour standards and laws compare to Mexico and the United States. It will conclude that any loss for Canada is outweighed by the gains. One of the main issues by labour rights advocates was that increased trade liberalization would jeopardize the Canadian economy to compete with low-wage workers in Mà ©xico and the southern United States.  [2]  This was supposed to push investments away from Canada, especially from low-skilled industries, leading to plant closures and cutbacks resulting in job losses. It was further argued that the competitive environment would causes wages to decrease. Gunderson simulated the possible impact of NAFTA and analyzed the expected wage and employment impact of trade liberalization. His study showed that the overall impacts are likely to be positive but extremely small for both Canada and the United States, as job created associate with export expansion is slightly higher than job destruction associated with increased imports. He also found that job gains would be at the high end of the wage spectrum, while job losses, which can be significant in some sectors, would be at the lower e nd.  [3]  Opponents may argue that this is not beneficial to the economy as there are more people in Canada working in low-end jobs than there are in high-end jobs. When the low-end job workers are unable to find employment they would be forced to go on social welfare such as unemployment insurance. This would cost the government more because the government would lose a source of income due to the elimination of tariffs, less people paying income tax, and supporting the unemployed through unemployment insurance and other welfare programs. However, this is not the case because studies have shown NAFTA has had no effect on unemployment, instead since NAFTA came into effect Canadas employment rate has increased. In a recent study conducted by the Bank of Montreal involving 109 senior executives in Canada, it concluded that majority of the businesses have either hired more or employed the same number of people since NAFTA came into effect. In addition, most employers reported that NAFTA has not affected their labour costs and it has increased their productivity level.  [4]  This increase in productivity may have to do with fear of relocation to southern United States or Mexico. In Canada, 50 percent of the senior executives reported that they had hired more workers, 39 percent stated no changed in work force size, and merely 11 percent reported they had lost workers.  [5]  This study shows critics that NAFTA has not resulted in unemployment and companies have either hired more or employed the same number of people while increasing productivity levels. A study conducted by Vicario, an economist with the North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation (NAALC), supports the findings of the Bank of Montreal. Using Canada Labour Force statistics, she found that the average growth rate of employment from1994-1998 remained at 1.9 percent per year, or an annual increase of 258,000 jobs. Most of these jobs were full-time, as matters of fact, in 1998, 9 out of 10 jobs created were full-time. What is more surprising is that workers salary increased by 2.6 percent between 1994 and 1997 and 0.3 percent in 1998.  [6]  This study goes a step further because it proves to NAFTA critics that NAFTA has helped create jobs and increased wages for the employees. It is safe to say that employers are making a larger profit because they would only increase wages if their profits increased. This research shows that NAFTA has not only created jobs but also increased company profits and employee wages. Kumar and Holmes conducted a study in the auto industry of Canada, a sector that NAFTA critics feared would have harsh negative impact due to low-wage competition from Mexico and southern United States. Their study concluded that production level and employment in the Canadian automotive parts industry grew significantly between 1991 and 1996. They further claim that there is no evidence to suggest that NAFTA has had any negative effects on the Canadian auto industry.  [7]  Regardless of these positive effects, employers and unions have been pressured to reduce wages and cut jobs in the manufacturing sector.  [8]  This is a small price to pay because overall Canada has become a richer country since NAFTA came into effect. Overall, Canada has had a higher employment rate, higher company profits, and higher wages. According to Canadian unions, companies would invest where there are reasonably low labour and environment standards. These investment decisions, and the threat to re-invest, would consequently force governments to lower their labour standards in order to attract new or retain existing business.  [9]  Although these fears are legitimate, studies have shown when investors choose a country to invest, they place the value of workforce, social, and political steadiness over labour cost.  [10]  They do so because high labour standard result into high levels of productivity and economic performance. Satisfied workers are an outcome of high wages and high work place standards that results in a higher quality of performance. Higher safety standards have proven to reduce costly workplace accidents and save on health care bills. Freedom of association and collective bargaining will result in better cooperation between management and workers, thereby reducing if not eliminating costly s trikes and improve social stability.  [11]  Since Canada has a higher rate of unionization than the United States thanks to Canadas beneficial labour laws, downward harmonization posed a serious threat to Canadian unions.  [12]   There are a number of factors that prevent downward harmonization in Canada. First, labour laws fall mainly under provincial jurisdiction and therefore, ideological forces are more influential.  [13]  For example, the New Democratic Government in Ontario under the leadership of Bob Rae passed several pieces of pro-labour legislation such as, prohibition on the use of replacement workers. The social democratic governments in British Columbia and Saskatchewan have also passed several labour-friendly legislations to protect the interest of workers.  [14]  The successful implementation of these legislations proves that NAFTA has strengthened Canadian labour standards and laws. Secondly, labour boards and independent arbitrators have enjoyed greater autonomy in enforcing their decisions though court orders in Canada. Over time, and with relevant court decisions, a significant body of case law  [15]  has developed, and it would be tough for pressure from free trade to weaken this base. In the United States, employers often use the means of courts to oppose decisions by the National Labour Relations Board (NLRB). This however, is not a problem in Canada.  [16]   Third, unions in Canada are often more cautious and political than in the unions United States. Their constant support from left-leaning New Democratic Party governments has strengthened their agenda on the legislative process. In addition, their vigilance against free trade was in a large part responsible for public dissatisfaction of NAFTA in Canada, as shown in national polls, and making NAFTA an election issue.  [17]  These kinds of tactics will most likely continue to prevent anti-labour laws being passed in Canada. According to research conducted by Gunderson, four relationships must exist for downward harmonization of labour laws and standards to occur because of trade liberalization. First, the labour laws must be implemented and actively enforced. Secondly, the laws must lead to an actual or perceived increase in labour costs to business. Third, the higher labour costs must discourage investments and influence plant location decisions. Fourth, jurisdictions must compete against each other for investments and jobs based on decreasing their costly labour laws.  [18]  Though it is possible for the race to the lowest common denominator, considering the inter-connectivity of these relationships and the political and institutions influence working to prevent downwards harmonization, it is highly unlikely it will ever occur in Canada. Many critics argue that there has been a decline in Canadian social standards, such as cutbacks in employment insurance, pensions, and health insurance since NAFTA came into effect  [19]  However, these cuts back are probably due to fiscal problems facing governments rather than NAFTA. There is also persistent pressure on both provincial and federal governments to cut taxes that may result in less spending on social welfare programs. Thus, the optimistic results of job creating and higher wages have outweighed the negative results on the auto sector. Canada has also been able to maintain its high labour standards and laws compare to Mà ©xico and the United States. Critics have argued that Canada would lose jobs due to re-location to other NAFTA partners this has not been the case as studies have shown NAFTA has not resulted in unemployment. NAFTA has shows to increase company profits, employee wages, crate jobs, and increase productivity levels. Though unions in the auto sector have been forced to reduce wages and cut jobs, it is a small price to pay for higher employment rate, higher company profits, higher wages, and the ability to retain business in Canada. Unions thought Canada would have to lower its labour standards and laws to compete with Mexico and the United States however, studies have shown when investors choose a country to invest, they rank the quality of workforce, political, and social stability above low labour cost. There are also several institutions and ideological forces in place that work against downward harmonization of labour standards. After 16 years of living under NAFTA, it is safe to assume that Canadian consumers will keep reaping up the benefits for many decades to come.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Material Society, Material Thoughts :: Free Essay Writer

Material Society, Material Thoughts Ever since Midas' lust for gold, it appears to be that man has acquired a greed and appetite for wealth. Juana, the Priest, and the doctor have all undergone a change due to money. They are all affected by their hunger for wealth and inturn are the base for their own destruction, and the destruction of society. Steinbeck's "The Pearl" is a study of man's self destruction through greed. Juana, the faithful wife of Kino, a paltry peasant man, had lived a spiritual life for what had seemed like as long as she could remember. When her son Coyito fell ill from the bite of a scorpion, she eagerly turned towards the spiritual aspects of life. Beginning to pray for her son's endangered life. The doctor who had resided in the upper-class section of the town, refused to assistant the child, turning them away when they arrived at the door. Lastly they turned to the sea to seek their fortune. When Juana set sight on the "Pearl of The World." she felt as though all her prayers had been answered, if she could have foreseen the future what she would have seen would have been a mirror image of her reality. Juana's husband was caught in a twisted realm of mirrors, and they were all shattering one by one. In the night he heard a "sound so soft that it might have been simply a thought..." and quickly attacked the trespasser. This is where the problems for Juana and her family began. The fear that had mounted in Kino's body had taken control over his actions. Soon even Juana who had always had faith in her husband, had doubted him greatly. "It will destroy us all" she yelled as her attempt to rid the family of the pearl had failed. Kino had not listened however, and soon Juana began to lose her spiritual side and for a long time she had forgotten her prayers that had at once meant so much to her. She had tried to help Kino before to much trouble had aroused, only to discover that she was not competent enough to help. A hypocrathic oath is said before each medical student is granted a Doctors degree. In the oath they swear to aid the ill, and cure the injured. In the village of La Paz there lived a doctor who had earned his wealth by helping those that were ill and could afford his services.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Miss Johnson in “Going to the Moon”

Miss Johnson in Going to the Moon Many authors use symbols as a device in their texts. In â€Å"Going to the Moon†, by Nina Ricci, symbolism is used to illuminate the themes and provide a deeper meaning to the short story. The teacher in the short story, Miss Johnson is the most important symbol. Miss Johnson is a necessary symbol because she represents important themes throughout, including the connection between the narrator and his peers, hope for the narrator and acceptance of the narrator.Miss Johnson represents the single connection that the narrator and his peers share, providing a sense of security for the boy to avoid humiliation and teasing. The narrator and his classmates both share a deep love for Miss Johnson: â€Å"I felt protected in that common love, in the importance I gained in sharing it, as if I’d been included in a game that could have no losers, no chance for ridicule or shame† (Page 213).Miss Johnson is a very important symbol in the play b ecause the connection that she made possible was very important to the narrator as a sense of protection from his peers bantering and a sense of being equal and similar to his classmates. Just as Miss Johnson represents the connection between the narrator and his peers, she also represents hope for the narrator’s future.Whenever the narrator is in the presence of Miss Johnson, he feels optimistic towards and confident about his life and how it will unfold. His thoughts when he goes to school and sees Miss Johnson entail: â€Å"†¦I felt the small bright hope that my life could be different, that the things marked me out could be erased, a hope made urgent, desperate, by the love that I felt for our teacher Miss Johnson† (Page 212).Miss Johnson also represents hope for the narrator because she is different form all of her colleagues, however, she is still accepted and respected by her students: â€Å"Miss Johnson was one of the few lay teachers at Assumption, and s he stood out form the stiff formality of the priests and nuns like a burst of colour in a grey landscape, coming to school in lipstick and high heels†¦ in blouses of shimmering silk,†¦ and we and we were all in love with her, proudly, self-importantly, all hoped to be chosen by her to wipe the blackboards or fetch chalk from the storeroom† (Pages 212-213).Miss Johnson is the most important symbol in the play because the hope that the narrator feels for his life to be better is planted by the existence of Miss Johnson, and his loving thoughts towards her. Miss Johnson not only represents hope, but she also represents acceptance of the narrator. Miss Johnson is one of the few, if not the only one who accepts the narrator in this short story.She shows her acceptance of the boy when he stays inside during recess with her to help her with a bulletin board in the classroom: â€Å"†¦she began to hum some song softly to herself as if she had forgotten that I was standi ng beneath her; and it made me feel oddly relieved to be taken for granted like that, to have been drawn unthinkingly into the small private sphere of Miss Johnson’s aloneness as if there were nothing strange or remarkable about me† (Page 213).The acceptance towards the narrator that Miss Johnson represents is another reason why Miss Johnson is the most important symbol in the short story. Miss Johnson is not only a teacher in the story, she is also a significant symbol which represents important themes in the short story including: acceptance for the narrator; hope for the narrator, and the bridge that connects the narrator to the children in his class. Without Miss Johnson none of these themes would be apparent, and the boy would have little hope for the future. Miss Johnson is a crucial symbol in this short story. Read also:  Moon By Chaim Potok

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Arms Race essays

Arms Race essays A major contributing factor to the tensions between the great powers that led to the outbreak of the First World War was the intense competition between them in building armaments. There are mainly 2 races; the naval race and the development of mass armies. In 1889, the British government recognised the importance of a strong navy to an island nation with a far-flung empire, begin to modernise the Royal navy. Furthermore, Britain set down the Two Power Standard, that the Royal Navy should possess twice the amount of ships than that of the next two largest navies, France and Russia, combined together. However, in the mid-1890s, Germany wanted to pursue its policy of world power, thus began to build up her navy. This decision began to alter the British concerns. The Architect of the new German Navy, Grand Admiral Von Tirpitz, aimed to build as much as two-third of the British navy and have them situated at the North sea in Europe. Germany hoped that its navy was strong enough to neutralize the might of the Royal Navy. In 1990, Germany began its construction of its naval fleet. This move by Germany, who hand the strongest army in Europe, alarmed the British, who saw no justification for a powerful naval fleet. The British saw this as a threat to the security of the island. As the tension between both Britain and Germany rose, Britain tried to end the naval race twice, once in 1906 and the other in 1912. However, Germany wanted Britain to pledge neutrality in any European War. Britain did not agree, as she feared the German domination of Europe. Britain responded by reorganise and expanded the British naval fleet. Admiral Sir John Fisher read about having big-gun battleships instead of small battleships. In October 1905, Britain began to build her new class of battleships, H.M.S Dreadnought. The Dreadnought was the first all big gun battleship. The race for Dreadnought class battleships placed Brita ...